In addition to the income tax benefit that comes with a gift to the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund, you may enjoy another tax advantage if you use appreciated stock — the capital gains tax on the appreciation in market value is essentially waived.

Making a gift of stock from your investment account is easy. Just instruct your broker to transfer the shares to UNC for the benefit of the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund. The University’s brokerage account is set up with Wells Fargo:

Account Title: UNC-Chapel Hill
Account #: 89994225
DTC#: 0141
Phone #: +1 800.334.1637

Please contact David Greer at the Morehead-Cain Foundation and Candace Clark in the UNC Development Office to let us know that your gift is in process. Very often, the shares are transferred into the UNC account without information that indicates the donor’s name. Your e-mail will allow us to match your name with the correct stock gift.

We’ll use the date that the shares enter UNC’s account as your gift date, and credit you with the average market value on that date.

If the shares you want to transfer are in the form of certificates, please contact David Greer to receive more detailed instructions on how to transfer such assets.

For more information:
Email David Greer or call toll free: 800.741.9023