Morehead-Cain works with nominators around the world.

We do not recruit large numbers of applicants for the purpose of publishing a statistic about our selectivity: instead, we seek to gather a pool of candidates who are strong fits for our criteria and create a meaningful experience for each of them. Our nominators–at schools, affiliate partners, and the admissions office of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill–are critical to our mission.

Featured Nominators

Cleveland School of Science and Medicine_Nominating School

Cleveland School of Science and Medicine

Nominator since 2022

A public magnet school developed in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, CSSM prepares future leaders in science, medicine, and technology.

Winchester College_Nominating Partner

Winchester College

Nominator since 1969

For over 650 years, Winchester College in Hampshire, England, has developed future leaders for Britain and the world.

Boys and Girls Clubs of America_Nominating Partner

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Nominator since 2020

Exceptional student leaders are nominated by Boys & Girls Clubs each year.

Search for a Nominating School or Affiliate Program by Name, State or City

What is an Affiliate Program?

Affiliate programs serve students from various high schools across the country and the world through semester, gap, or summer-long leadership opportunities. Each program is eligible to nominate students who demonstrate our selection criteria every year.

We seek to develop relationships with affiliate organizations on a case-by-case basis. Here are some of the things we’re looking for:

  • We’re looking for programs that are highly selective in identifying participants who demonstrate strong leadership, character, and scholarship for their program.
  • We’re looking for partners whose students attend (or have attended) some of our official nominating schools.
  • We’re interested in programs that produce tangible outcomes to further develop a student’s leadership skills and character traits.

What if I attend a non-nominating school outside of North Carolina, Canada, or the U.K.?

Students outside of North Carolina who are not attending a nominating school or participating in an affiliate program may be eligible for nomination through the Admissions Referral Program.