
High Point, North Carolina

High School

High Point Central High School

Immediate Plans

To pursue a career in health policy research and advocacy in Washington, D.C.

Annabelle earned a BA with highest distinction in public policy, with a second major in psychology. At Carolina, she was an advocate at the Community Empowerment Fund, a hotline responder at the Compass Center, and a member of the Community Justice, Abolition, and Antiracism Collective. During her gap year, Annabelle worked as a senior associate at Normal Next, a start-up founded to support organizations as they navigated the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Academically, Annabelle conducted research for the Coastal Resilience Center on the effects of flooding on Freedom Towns across the U.S., examining how community members leverage cultural resilience in the face of climate-related disasters. She was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. In her spare time, Annabelle practiced yoga at a local studio.

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Outdoor Leadership

Outward Bound, Northwest Sea Kayaking and Backpacking, Washington

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Civic Collaboration

Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Department and Sportable, Richmond, Virginia

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Professional Experience

Hometown Strong: Community Focused Partnerships, Raleigh, North Carolina

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Global Perspective

Exceptional Trajectories: Transforming Understandings of Cancer Survivorship, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand