Top row, from left to right: Olivia Romine ’23, Jalen McKoy ’23, and Zianne Richardson ’23. Bottom row, from left to right: Ray Palma ’23, Noor El-Baradie ’23, Ethan Phillips ’23, and Simon Palmore ’23.
Seven Morehead-Cain Scholars have received Chancellor’s Awards, the only campus-wide student recognition program at the University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Awards are given annually in three categories: Student Academic Awards, Student Activities & Leadership Awards, and Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards.
Noor El-Baradie ’23 and Jalen McKoy ’23 were recognized for academic excellence, while Ray Palma ’23, Simon Palmore ’23, Ethan Phillips ’23, Zianne Richardson ’23, and Olivia Romine ’23 were recognized for excellence in student activities and leadership.
2023 Student Academic Awards
Noor El-Baradie ’23
Noor El-Baradie ’23 received the L. Richardson Preyer Award for Excellence in Political Science for her distinguished record of scholarship in political science and service to the committee.
Jalen McKoy ’23
Jalen McKoy ’23 received the Wallace Ray Peppers Award in Performance of African and African-American Literature for his outstanding performance of African and African-American literature.
Jalen also received the Hampton Shuping Prize for his outstanding academic achievement as an undergraduate business major. The award also recognizes a graduating senior for demonstrating integrity, honor, and leadership potential; an ethical management of the American business enterprise, and for respecting the labor and the commitment of the individual as instrumental to the success of the organization and the free enterprise system.
2023 Student Activities & Leadership Awards
Ray Palma ’23
Ray Palma ’23 received the Walter S. Spearman Award for his outstanding academic achievements, co-curricular activities, leadership qualities, and strength of character.
Simon Palmore ’23
Simon Palmore ’23 received the Frank Porter Graham Award for his outstanding contribution to a realization of the human ideals of equality, dignity, and community.
Ethan Phillips ’23
Ethan Phillips ’23 received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for demonstrating an unselfish interest in human welfare and for his humanitarian contributions.
Zianne Richardson ’23
Zianne Richardson ’23 has received the Multicultural Greek Council Award as the undergraduate student who made the most significant contributions in the areas of leadership, scholarship, and service to their chapter, council, and Carolina and Chapel Hill communities.
Olivia Romine ’23
Olivia Romine ’23 received the Marty Pomerantz Sport Clubs Council Achievement for demonstrating leadership and commitment, and for making the greatest positive contribution to the strength and vitality of the sports clubs program.
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