Noam Argov ’15
Welcome to the second episode of Catalyze, a podcast from the Morehead-Cain Foundation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill!
Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Noam Argov, Morehead-Cain Class of 2015. Her professional experiences have been a mashup of tech-y startups, outdoor adventuring, and creative production.
Noam has been lucky enough to attend the last two Alumni Forums, and will be a panelist at this year’s Forum to discuss her recent career pivot from startups in the tech industry to documentary filmmaking for National Geographic.
How to listen
On your mobile device, you can listen and subscribe to Catalyze on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. For any other podcast app, you can find the show using our RSS feed.
Catalyze is hosted and produced by Sarah O’Carroll for the Morehead-Cain Foundation, home of the first merit scholarship program in the United States and located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You can let us know what you thought of the episode by finding us on social media @moreheadcain or you can email us at communications@moreheadcain.org.