Morehead-Cain Community Commitments
In establishing the Trust, John Motley Morehead III wrote that:
“. . . the most important investment that can be made for a people is that which is made in the education and training, as leaders, of those who have been endowed by their Creator with the capacity for leadership.”
Morehead-Cain identifies, accelerates, and connects the most promising young leaders from all backgrounds. As leaders, we benefit from our inclusion in a community of exemplary peers from a broad range of backgrounds and with a broad range of interests and perspectives.
As a leadership institution, we seek to model thoughtful, values-based engagement on important questions of diversity and inclusion—and the kind of continuous learning process that is required of leaders if they are to transform themselves and their societies. We will clearly define and rigorously explore important questions, interrogating evidence and considering a range of stakeholder perspectives in the design of solutions.
In 2021, we have begun by defining a set of timeless commitments, articulated below. Each year, we will review our program performance in the context of these commitments, and we will articulate a set of priorities that move us closer to our aspirations. We will share our objectives and communicate our progress to our scholars and alumni each year. We welcome the engagement of our scholars, alumni, and staff as we work to build a stronger Morehead-Cain—and a better world.
Community Commitments
Morehead-Cain seeks to continuously improve in:
- Building Intentional Community
- Expanding Opportunity
- Fostering Discourse and Learning
- Ensuring Impactful Programming for All
For each of these areas we have crafted a set of aspirational statements of commitment. Each year, the team will evaluate our performance against each of these statements, which will inform our priorities for the year(s) ahead.
Building Intentional Community
- We reaffirm our unequivocal commitment to creating a safe community, free from discrimination and harassment, and we recommit each semester and Check Day to Morehead-Cain’s high standards and aspirations.
- Our community of scholars and alumni will reflect the state, nation, and world, with scholars, staff, and board members who bring a diversity of backgrounds and experiences.
- We will support and engage intergenerational communities of scholars and alumni with shared identities, experiences, or aspirations.
- Our spaces will reflect our values and mission, while maintaining a sense of history and aspiration to excellence.
Expanding Opportunity
- We will actively recruit scholars from all backgrounds, identifying partners who can build awareness of Morehead-Cain in communities with limited access to tertiary advising and/or limited history with our Program.
- We will share the stories of Morehead-Cain Alumni from all backgrounds, such that candidates can see themselves reflected in the Morehead-Cain and UNC communities.
- We will design and deliver a world-leading selection process that identifies extraordinary candidates from all backgrounds and remains attentive to the differences in circumstance among applicants.
Fostering Discourse and Learning
- We will create opportunities for direct engagement and learning around critical issues of our time, recognizing that solutions and opportunities emerge from deep engagement and understanding.
- We will treat each other with grace and respect, recognizing that discourse around differences in perspective fosters shared learning.
- We will amplify the voices of those within our community who are leading important conversations around critical issues of our time and reflecting leadership and moral character.
- We will ensure that all scholars have access to developmental experiences that prepare them to lead diverse teams on and beyond our campus, including honing their ability to (1) listen to and understand the perspectives of others and (2) recognize the impact of history on our present and shared future.
Ensuring Impactful Programming for All
- We will study program experiences and program outcomes to understand the effectiveness of our programming for students entering Morehead-Cain from different backgrounds and communities.
- We will continuously and rigorously review and refine our program elements to understand how they support our learning outcomes and foster community and inclusion.
- We will share our insights within the University and beyond in ways that strengthen our sector and expand opportunities for young leaders beyond our Program.