Become a Partner

Morehead-Cain Partner is a  designation that recognizes and honors the loyal commitment of many of our Morehead-Cain Alumni.

For years, Morehead-Cain Alumni have asked how they can best support the Morehead-Cain Program. Several years ago, we began sharing a list of five simple things all alumni can do to ensure the future of the Program:

Please make sure that “Morehead-Cain Scholar” is on your résumé, in your CV, and/or in your professional biography. You are the Morehead-Cain legacy. Telling others raises awareness and recognition.

Please respond to requests (reasonable ones, of course) from current scholars or fellow alumni. There is no better way to express gratitude for what others have given you than by sharing advice or offering a connection. Each time this happens, the Morehead-Cain network is strengthened and the lifelong designation of Morehead-Cain gains deeper significance.

Please help recruit future scholars when we call on you with specific needs. For recipients of the scholarship and their parents, no voice is more authentic than yours in representing the value of the Morehead-Cain experience.

Please make an annual gift to the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund (MCSF). Your participation at an appropriate level for you matters deeply, both in the endorsement that it represents and in helping to sustain and enhance the Morehead-Cain Program. The cumulative impact of annual alumni support is transformational—last year the MCSF provided approximately 18 percent of the Foundation’s annual operating budget.

Please keep your profile and contact information on the Morehead-Cain Network up to date.

Hundreds of alumni have responded with enthusiasm to this appeal for assistance. Some have even gone beyond these “basic five” requests by sponsoring scholars as summer interns, serving as readers and interviewers in the selection process, returning to campus to mentor scholars as speakers and Alumni-in-Residence participants, and more.

To honor the dedication of all who support the Morehead-Cain Program by agreeing to these five commitments, we are now designating such alumni as Morehead-Cain Partners.

Let us know if you’re a Partner